Thursday, January 23, 2014

31 Things All 20-Something Women Can Agree On

31 Things All 20-Something Women Can Agree On

The Huffington Post  |  By 

1. Milky Pens are the most superior writing tool (rivaled only by Gelly Rolls).

2. Kelly Kapowski's cut off sweatshirt is the cute, but casual, look, perfected.

3. Lisa Frank is the greatest artistic genius of our time. (But apparently a terrible employer, sadly.)

4. The colors, fonts, song lyrics and inside jokes you include in your AIM profile (and status) say a lot about you.
your away message
*~ladiez leave ur man @ H0ME~*

5. It's 11:30 and the club is jumpin’ jumpin’.

6. The ultimate sign of love is matching denim on denim (on denim).

7. The older Shawn Hunter gets, the better Shawn Hunter gets.
rider strong

8. April 25th is the perfect date.

9. Your feet will know no greater joy than Steve Madden fluffy slippers.

10. Britney Spears’ “Lucky” is the best song to act out at sleepovers, but Kelly Clarkson’s “Miss Independent” is the best for making up dances.

11. The downfall of anklets and toe rings should have made it into history books.

12. Put a man on the moon, fine. But until Cher Horowitz’s computerized closet is a household item, we’re not impressed.

13. “Spice World” is a suspense-filled thriller that never got the accolades it deserves.

14. M.A.S.H is the greatest prediction of the future we have.

15. "You can't get pregnant from french-kissing!"

16. Of the Chupa Chups food group, Strawberries n’ Creme is the dominant flavor.
17. A solid-color skinny strap cami goes with every outfit and is perfect for layering.

18. Eric and Annie Camden are the models of perfect parenting.

19. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is a brilliant collection of literary masterpieces.
chicken soup

20. Lizzie McGuire is a hair icon. (Butterfly clips, y'all.)
21. Dawson and Joey belong together. Step off, Pacey fans.

22. The difference between like and love: “I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack.”

23. The difference between you and me: “I have class and you don't.”

24. Dominique Dawes is an angel among us.
25. “As if” and “talk to the hand” are completely acceptable comebacks.

26. The. Boy. Is... Brandy's.

27. Michelle was the Mary, Romy was the Rhoda.

28. Size matters… when we’re talking about size of a Beanie Baby collection.

29. The best part of vacation is getting a necklace that has your name written on a piece of rice.

30. One Direction might be a a band of boys, but it is NOT a boy band...

31. ...because U+me = Us.

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